Vinyl Siding, Soffit and channel
13x 1-SQ Dark Grey Groved Shingle Pattern 10' x 8 1/2" $50
37x 4 1/4 SQ Vented Vinyl Soffit Triple 3 1/2 inch $4.00 each
22x 2 SQ White double 4 1/2" fully vented soffit $2.50 each
18x 1 3/4 SQ Clay dutch lap double 5 inch $60.00
13x 1 1/4 SQ Grey Double lap 4 1/2" $40.00
15x 1 1/2 SQ Double 4 1/2" dutch lap light Grey $50.00
14x 1 SQ Cream board and batten $40.00
6x granite undersill
10x 3/4 inch J channel granite
15x White dual undersill
6x Natural clay dual undersill ------ All $1.00 each
15x F channel white
21x J channel 3/4 inch
11x Vinyl F channel white